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Pee-Kaboo! Potty Training Just Got Easier


Remember the times where you didn’t have to potty train any kids? When you were able to just hold your sweet baby in your arms and swap out a dirty diaper for a clean one? Yeah, those were the times.

Then, all of a sudden someone told you “it’s time,” Your life exploded like Alderaan and your kids’ pee was the laser beam that did it.

Why on Earth did God have to curse us with accidents that smell like peanut butter? I mean, really. Messes aren’t fun and the sooner the kid is potty trained THE BETTER.

When was the last time you were totally comfortable helping your kid aim? Or even convincing your sweet girl that she can’t stand up to pee (confession that was me at 4)? To be honest, I’m a single mom teaching her boy to aim. Quite frankly, it’s awkward considering ya know, I’m a woman. After months of pumping foamy soap (more like wasting it) into the potty bowl and pointing, I’ve been saved.

Pee-kaboo hooked me up with complimentary adorable little stickers that are attachable to the seat of any potty chair. #YAS

Check out these videos that show you how it works:

Side note for you…to show you how exactly this product works I splashed warm water on it…not pee.

Pee-Kaboo’s stickers are available for both girls and boys who either love fun trains or flowers. Your child can even peel the sticker and place it where they like, aim, and fire!

These stickers really do make potty-training fun and weave a little magic into the entire process. It’s time to stop feeling like potty-training is a task AND to stop feeding your kids skittles each time something happens in the potty.

Purchase your Pee-Kaboo’s on Amazon, buy buy Baby, and Bed Bath and Beyond. Check out their options on their website here and love not having to wash another pair of rubber sheets again!

*BTW’s Sarah received her pack of Pee-Kaboo stickers for free as a means to test the product and let you all know our honest review. 

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